Our Principles

To focus on our Clients

We aim to provide personal care and support, in ways which have positive outcomes for clients, and to promote client's active participation.

To ensure that we are fit for our purpose.

We examine our operations constantly to ensure that we are successfully achieving our stated aims and purposes. We welcome feedback from our clients and their friends and relatives or other representatives.

To work for the comprehensive welfare of our Clients.

We aim to provide, for each client, a package of care that contributes to his or her overall personal and social care needs and preferences. We work in partnership with other services, and Health and Socail Care, professionals to maximise each client's independence and to ensure, as fully as possible, the client's maximum participation in the community.

To meet assessed needs.

Before we provide services, we ensure that potential client's needs and preferences are thoroughly assessed. We aim to ensure that the care our organisation provides meets the assessed needs of each client, that needs are re-assessed as frequently as necessary, and that the care and support provided has the flexibility to respond to changing needs or requirements.

To provide quality services.

We are whole-heartedly committed to providing high quality services, and to continuous improvement in the level of the care that we offer.

To employ a quality workforce.

Standards for our Staff are based on 15 national occupational standards for the care industry recommended by the Care Quality Commission, with resoiurces availble at Skills For Care.

Care at Home (Shropshire) Limited aims to make its services as responsive as possible to client's needs and preferences, in accordance with the following principles:

  • Reliability. We aim to ensure that our service can be absolutely depended on by clients.
  • Flexibility. We are prepared at any time to reasonably adjust the service we provide to meet the changing needs and preferences of clients.
  • Continuity. Our service is planned to provide the maximum degree of continuity and the fewest possible changes for clients.
  • Communication. We undertake to consult and communicate with client's, and their representatives, as fully as possible about their service.

Company Information

Care at Home Services

Contact Number:
01584 838 420

"My Mother could not have wished for better support"

Family Member